Historical Research

Historical Database

This database contains a record of every burial that has taken place in Woodside Cemetery since the first burial on 30th August 1845. However, if you require any information regarding burials that have taken place within the last 50 years please contact the office at: Memoria@paisleywoodside.co.uk

Historical Research

Search for a family member or relative:

Male     Female

Or, enter a Certificate Number:

Before you start try to find out the name of the person, the date of death and the last known address.

Woodside burial registers are arranged by the date of death, so you need to know when a person died to start looking through them. If you do not know the date of death, you should obtain a copy of the death certificate. The registers vary in the amount of detail but will always include the name of the deceased and the lair number, compartment number and certificate number.

Copies of death certificates can be obtained by contacting The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages at the address given below. If you are unsure where to start looking, you may find clues in newspaper death notices and obituaries.

Deaths / burials of married women can be referred to in various ways in registers of births, deaths and marriages:

  • by their married name, which is unusual in Scottish records outside the census
  • by their maiden name, for example "Mary Murray"
  • merely as Mrs with no first name given for example "Mrs Easton", or as Mrs using the husband's name for example "Mrs William Hackney"
  • simply as someone's wife for example "James Murray's wife".

Lair registers will generally give the lair owners details as well as details of all the interments. Once you have obtained a certificate number, you can use the lair registers to find out who else is buried in the lair. Please note that there may be restrictions on access to the lair registers under the Data Protection Act.

Please note: when the date of death is recorded as 01.01.1845 this means that there is no date of death recorded in the records.


In general Scottish genealogy is different to that in England, largely because the many records used are unique to Scotland. There are three major sources: civil registration from 1855, the census between 1841 and 1901, and old parish registers which begin in the 16th century and go up to the end of 1854. These records are held at:

General Register Office for Scotland,
New Register House,
Edinburgh. EH1 3YT
Website: www.gro-scotland.gov.uk

The records have also been digitised and can be consulted at: www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk


Area Office and Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages,
Renfrewshire House,
Cotton Street,
Tel: 0300 300 0310
Fax: 0141 618 7060
Email: registrar.cs@renfrewshire.gov.uk

Renfrewshire County Council Community Resources,
Renfrewshire House,
Cotton Street,
Tel: 0300 300 0380
Fax: 0141 618 7501

Paisley Central Reference and Local Studies Library,
Heritage Centre, Studio 907, Abbeymill Business Centre,
12 Seedhill Road,

Other sources

Family Search:

Renfrewshire Family History Society:

The Association of Scottish Genealogists and Records Agents:

Scottish Genealogy Society: